About Course
Beating Burnout – How to stay pumped and ready to roll! Energize your work and personal life by mixing fresh self-awareness with practical CBT and NVC tools.
This one-hour course will inspire thinking about your life in a way that enables you to better care for yourself and those around you.
Whether you care about sports, productivity, family, or society, you will find this helpful.
The information is presented by Joel Young from a live recording, mixed with downloadable handouts, and relevant quizzes.
The style is informative, friendly, and engaging and the presentation is mixed with personal examples, audience participation, and whiteboard diagrams.
We all have emotional, physical, spiritual and relational needs. If we don’t get them filled we are like a car with no gas. Often we shame ourselves for having needs. This reflex inhibits us filling our needs and we end up running dry and low on enthusiasm. To protect our enthusiasm we need good boundaries, but first, we need to give ourselves permission to ‘need’ and need to be aware of what fills, and what drains us.
Understanding and Meeting Human Needs
Boundaries or Burnout
Encouragement = Fuel for life!
To Summarise…
It’s all about intentionality in relationships and work. Workshops like this give you an opportunity to reflect on yourself and what you are doing. Then establish if it’s getting you what you want and need for a fun and sustainable life.
We all have needs, they are not to be ‘shamed’ as being ‘needy’, nor are they demands to put on others. Being aware enables you to be intentional about keeping emotionally ‘healthy’.
I hope this gives you the awareness and ability to choose relationships and a work-life balance that keeps you pumped!
Course Content
Introduction to Needs
06:56 -
What’s all this about needs?!